
Autowash on WordPress

Autowash Engineering have joined WordPress where we will offer information about the truck washing systems we design and manufacture and also offer news and information about the truck wash and wider logistics and HGV industry. 

The blog is a work-in-progress and so we shall be adding content and images over the next few weeks and months. 

To view the WordPress from Autowash you can either click here - Truck Washing - or the logo below.

Click to view the lorry washing blog from Autowash
Click to view Autowash Ltd on WordPress


Truck Washing Systems on Hotfrog

Autowash Engineering are now on the UK busines listings website Hotfrog where we have set up a profile that outlines the truck washing manufacturer and servicing.

To view the Hotfrog profile, click the logo below or here - Truck Washing Profile

Click to view truck washing manufacturers Autowash on Hotfrog

Built to Maintain Industrial Fleets

This is the Autowash Engineering banner of which we are proud to add to our website under the strapline: Built to Maintain Industrial Fleets. 

If you own or are responsible for a fleet of industrial vehicles, then you might know Autowash who are based in the UK. 

Otherwise, if you want to find out more about our long history in the truck wash sector, then please click the image below and visit the Autowash website that outlines our current systems and the history of our company. 

We are proud of the fact that we are a family-run business who has been around in changing forms since 1973. 

Truck, Lorry, HGV Washing Systems - Built to Maintain Industrial Fleets
Truck, Lorry, HGV Washing Systems - Built to Maintain Industrial Fleets


World's Largest Truck Convoy - Watch Here

Into heavy trucks? If you are then here is the world's largest convoy of 170 trucks. Uploaded to YouTube by Jason Dubois you can watch this amazing event below. 

Truck Wash - Fixed Arch Machines

This is a fixed arch lorry and truck washing machine. In the context of larger lorry washing machines it is a very simple system and a cost-effective way to maintain your fleet of commercial vehicle.

How the unit work is with a brushless unit that you drive-through. The power-spray will clean all kinds of different shaped lorries and trucks and vans. The machine itself is made of two spray arches. The first spray arch supplies a cleaning solution with a metered cleaning agent. The second spray arch rinses away the cleaning water. 

So, if you own a fleet of trucks or vans or any kind of commerical vehicle, and if you want to increase the lifespan of your fleet, please read more on the Autowash Engineering website. You can visit us by clicking the image below or here Fixed Arch Machines 

Click to find out more about truck and HGV washing machines


Maintain Your Commerical HGV/Lorry/Van Fleet

Autowash Engineering are one of the UK's top designers and manufacturers of truck and lorry washing systems. The different types of lorry wash produced and maintained by Autowash include the three brush rollover, drive-through brush, fixed arch machines, vehicle interior washers, jet/pressure washing systems, and bespoke projects.

One of the benefits of each system, such as a three-brush rollover, is that your fleet's lifespan will increase.

To read and find out more about the different types of truck wash systems, please click the link in the below Tweet or here - Lorry Washing


Autowash Wishing England Luck


Come on England!


Join Autowash on Facebook


Truck Washing Systems

Truck Washing Systems on Tumblr

Below is a snapshot of the Vehicle Washing Machines page on the popular blogging platform Tumblr. 

It is set up in order to add stories about the truck wash manufacturers Autowash Engineering Ltd who are based in the UK. Specifically, the page collects the news about what the designers of HGV washing systems are doing online. 

To view and follow the Tumblr page, click the image below or here - Autowash on Tumblr

Click to visit and view the Autowash Engineering page on Tumblr . . .
Click to visit and view the Autowash Engineering page on Tumblr . . .


Follow Truck Wash on Google Plus

You can follow the manufacturer of truck wash and lorry washing systems - Autowash Engineering Ltd, based in the UK - on all kinds of social-media that includes Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr and also Google+ . . . if you also have a Google+ profile, click the links below and add Autowash to your Google Circles and we'll reciprocate the add. 


Follow Truck Washing Systems on Twitter


Commerical Vehicle Washing Systems


Happy New Year from the Truck Wash Industry

Autowash Engineering would like to wish all on Blogger a very happy new year. We hope 2014 is full of happiness and productivity . . .