
Truck Wash on Tumblr

Autowash Engineering on Tumblr

Autowash have updated their Tumblr page. This is a blogging website where users can uploaded their latest links, text and images to their profile and share them with other Tumblr users.

The truck wash and lorry washing company have updated the profile with new links to websites set up to expand the Autowash online profile. Click the image to visit the Tumblr page or click the link here - Truck Wash on Tumblr

Click for truck wash and lorry washing machines on Tumblr


A Truck in Canadian West

Autowash Engineering offer truck, HGV and lorry washing equipment to clients across the UK. The company have expanded the truck wash brand online with profiles in Facebook, Twitter and a YouTube Channel.

Each month Autowash Engineering update the YouTube Channel with new additions to their playlists. Below is a film found on the popular video streaming channel of an HGV in Canada. Click to view below.


Truck and Lorry Washing Google List

Autowash Engineering Ltd, who is a UK based truck wash and lorry washing equipment manufacturer, have recently created what is called a Google Bookmarks List. This means the vehicle washing equipment manufacturer can share links to favourite websites and be able to organise those links into relevant lists based on the vehicle washing machines sector. Based in the West Midlands UK specifically the reputable vehicle washing equipment manufacturer have set up a Google Bookmarks List about the truck washing sector. This is a list that contains links to the relevant websites regarding truck washing.

Since the late 1970's Autowash Engineering has been specialists in vehicle washing machines and truck washing equipment. The company was set up as a family run business in 1973 under the name of Melbros Electrical. But over the past 38 years the company developed from being manufacturers of electrical control panels for the automation of factory production lines. While the skills needed in high-end automation control led to an increased knowledge within the carwash industry and meant Autowash Engineering became specialists in the manufacture and maintenance of vehicle washing machines and truck washing equipment. The change of direction in the late 1970's and early 1980's also influenced the company to change their name in 1984 to Autowash Engineering Limited. And since that time the truck washing company have excelled in the vehicle and lorry washing machine sector.

You can find out more about Autowash Engineering by clicking on their website here - truck and lorry washing equipment - or by calling 01455 213177

If you want to view the latest bookmarks on the Truck Wash list from Autowash Engineering please click below -

Click for lorry washing Google List



Originally uploaded by HOPEKORREN on YouTube, Autowash Engineering have found online a great film showing 19 Stobart trucks in a convoy. Eddie Stobart is an icon of the UK's lorry and trucking industry, and any driver on the UK's motorways will be familiar with their green and white trucks distributing the nation's transportable goods.

Click the play button on the panel below to watch the 19 strong truck convoy of the Eddie Stobart lorries.


Autowash Truck Tanker Wash

Check out this YouTube film of an Autowash tanker wash. Based in Canada this is a great example of truck washing equipment for the HGV sector.

Click below and view the short film:

Lorry Wash

Lorry and Truck Washing

Autowash Engineering offer lorry and truck washing equipment for the transport industry. If you're part of the commerical fleet sector, then Autowash Engineering may be of some interest to you.

The company were established in 1973, and in nearly 40 years the company have expanded and evolved the lorry and truck washing business. Over those years, the transport and fleet industry has expanded, so Autowash have adapted and now manufacture, supply, service and repair all types of vehicle, truck and lorry washing machines.

You can find out a lot more about Autowash Engineering by visiting their website. You can do this by clicking the logo below or the link in bold here - lorry wash

You can call Autowash Engineering on 01455 213177

Click for lorry washing


Autowash Engineering - Posterous

Autowash Engineering Ltd on Posterous

Another blogging platform which HGV washing machine developers, the UK based Autowash Engineering Ltd, have joined is Posterous. This is an easy-to-use website which you can upload blog-posts from your email address and is good for businesses to promote their brand, products and services.

Autowash Ltd have set up a Posterous page so they can announce any new online changes which the truck wash company have implemented. The UK based HGV washing equipment company are very keen to expand on new online media, which includes adding new profiles to Facebook, Twitter, and, as you can read from other posts, the bookmarking website called Digg.

The Posterous page which Autowash Engineering Ltd have created will be updated monthly and may contain information about the truck and HGV washing systems which the company design, manufacture and maintain for the fleet and commercial vehicle sector across the UK.

Please visit the Autowash Engineering Ltd Posterous page by clicking the logo below or the link in bold here - HGV wash on Posterous

Click for Truck and HGV washing on Posterous

Truck Wash on Digg

Truck wash equipment company, the UK based Autowash Engineering Ltd, have joined Digg. This is a bookmarking website, which means you can save and share web pages with outher Digg users.

The Digg profile set up by Autowash Engineering will save news from the HGV, truck wash and transport sector. The profile allows the vehicle washing machines supplier to bookmark news stories on a monthly basis, so over time the profile will contain a great resource for HGV wash news from the industry in which Autowash Engineering are specialists.

You can visit the Digg profile for Autowash Engineering by clicking the logo below. Or you can call the company to find out more about the products they offer on 01455 213177

Click on the Autowash Engineering website by clicking the link here - truck wash

Click for Truck Wash on Digg


Truck Wash News on Google Profile

Autowash Engineering and Google Profile

Google Profile is a social bookmarking website where users save and share their favorite webpages with other Google Profile users. The truck wash company that is Autowash Engineering, based in the UK, have joined Google Profile and set up a profile in the popular social media and networking website. Each month Autowash will update information on the Google Buzz section about the truck and vehicle washing industry and any new online news involving Autowash.

Call Autowash Engineering about the HGV washing equipment they design and manufacture on 01455 213177

To view the first set of bookmarks saved by Autowash Engineering ltd on Google Profile click the logo below.

Click for truck wash news on Google Profileg

Autowash Join MySpace

Autowash Engineering are on MySpace. This is part of the growing campaign to expand the truck wash company profile online. Already the company have established profiles on popular websites such as Facebook, Twitter and Google Profile. So the new MySpace profile will continue providing the same type of information, but on a completely new platform.

Each month Autowash will add new company information about the truck wash services offered by Autowash from their West Midlands UK base. If you want more information about the truck wash equipment then call them on 01455 213177 or visit the website by clicking the link in bold here - truck wash

Click for truck wash on MySpace


Happy New Year from Truck Wash

Autowash Engineering - Happy New Year

The truck wash company, UK based Autowash Engineering Ltd, would like to wish all staff, clients and Blogger users a very happy new year and hope 2011 will exceed your expectations.

Throughout the new year Autowash Engineering Ltd will be adding new posts to the truck wash blog account. The monthly details will offer details on the services and other company news relevant to the company who provide vehicle washing systems for the HGV and fleet sectors.

You can visit the Autowash Engineering website to find out more about the services the company provide. Click the image below or the link in bold here - Truck Wash

Truck wash wishes a happy new year